
Did you know… According to a 2013 study by American Express, EQ (Emotional Intelligence) is one of the biggest predictors of performance in the workplace and a strong driver of leadership and personal excellence.

-Harvard Business Review


Our Mission:

Sequoia Leadership Collective exists to provide coaching, consulting, and training for individuals, teams, and organizations. We use our experiences, education, and resources to identify areas of development and establish a clear vision for the future. Our desire is to engage clients and support them on a path towards cultural, emotional, and practical growth.

Unaddressed stress creates loneliness, anxiety, depression, addictions, broken relationships, and burnout and also kills creativity and connection.
— Miles Adcox (CEO of Onsite Workshops)

Why Sequoia?

Leadership is stressful and often lonely. What is remarkable about the largest trees in the world, the Sequoias, is where their strength derives from. The roots of the Sequoia trees interlock with the roots of their neighbors. They literally hold each other up. This provides incredible strength and resilience from wind, water, and erosion, and allows them to continue growing for hundreds and hundreds of years. Similarly, we believe the strength and growth of a leader requires relational connectedness. We need trusting and trustworthy people near to us to hold us up. It is through safe, authentic relationships we find nutrients to thrive in life and leadership.


Past and present clients and Partners

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Research carried out by the Carnegie institute of technology revealed that 85% of your financial success is due to skills in “human engineering,” your personality, ability to communicate, negotiate, and lead. -Forbes.com


“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” -Maya Angelou
